
Showing posts from 2018


There are times I find that our journey is strange. The walk is like unto a wilderness. Like a dry desert walk. And we must admit for other times, quite flourishing and refreshing. But for the desert walk we find that: No road signs. No traffic lights & traffic wardens. No stops. No eateries. No rest rooms. No ATMS. Nothing. Just long quiet walks. No whispers. Just you and you, not even your shadow. Strain. Pain. Drain, no gain. Nothing. Good news is that in those moments we are never left without a map and compass. You know, some device that tells us what direction we're heading and another with details of where we ought to be and how to get there. I find that His word is the Map with every little detail. Not only of how we ought to live or how important our journey in life is or even what He has called us to be , also as "trivial" the fact that He cares for every little thing that concerns us. As simple as how perhaps we use Facebook or maybe how Facebook uses u...


The resistance and possible aggression you get when you raise certain issues or faults of social media/networks amazes me. The arguments which usually leads to verbal attacks from young people is actually something to pay attention to. The whole ball revolves around the fact that we speak of the social networks as though they do not have any good that they have brought to the table from inception. But is this the point we are making when we caution the heart of the young as regards this issue? No! Permit me to state a bit of my particulars, not to claim the position of an authority in these matters, i.e. of social media and Christian youths, but to propose that I have a valid say from my experience interacting with the young people online. I have been an active internet user for 16 years now; and have explored the nooks and crannies of the internet, including ‘uncharted territories’, places to ‘sacred’ for young saints; I have suffered the hits of being such an internet user, I...


Undoubtedly, technology and the media has served an “improving” role in the lives of people generally. This age has witnessed sophisticated advancement and amazing technological inventions that has served to make life easy for us. To this we are ever thankful, but alongside these technological developments have come many setbacks that the human race is struggling with. It is both amazing and worrisome how the Internet and social media has become so available to us that it has become so integrated into our lives and in turn has become a source of problem. For the past decade, the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America ™ survey has examined how stress affects American adults’ health and well-being (1). In 2017, the survey took a closer look at how technology and the media is affecting the lives of people in America and the findings are quite interesting and disturbing at the same time. Now, even though this research was carried out in the United States of America,...


"The worse fear is not death, but the discovery that we have never really lived when the time comes for us to die". Paul T. Wong, PhD. Death is the reality of every passing day. Every passing moment I live, I actually die. Every day given is actually one taken. The sooner I realize and accept this truth, the better for me; for the reality that one day, I shall depart this World is one which I have often avoided. Over the past few weeks, especially as I approached my birthday which I celebrated January 4th, the reality of death dawned on me with a whole new light. Death now seemed different. I was now pondering the matter...the always dreaded DEATH.  Death is more real than this life I thought, because it is as it unfolds that life is unraveled. It was through death even, that we had our lives back. In the past few days, I followed the activity of some of my friends, on Facebook, who shared the losses of either their friends or family members. I focused on two thin...


I have been compelled to write about this because of number of accounts that have been reportedly (which I have also confirmed) hacked and overridden, this month alone. This wave of hacking is different in that the hackers take over you Facebook Account, change your username, profile picture (and upload some of theirs), password, email, log you out on all devices and delete you photo album. Interestingly, they still maintain your friend list. Why? I do not fully understand. For some reasons, the profile pics and names they use indicated they MIGHT be Americans or Brits…this is only a postulation though. MY ADVICE TO YOU Step up your Facebook Security. A. Go to your SETTINGS menu Select SECURITY and LOGIN 1. Then change your password. Make it secured by using a combination of uppercases, lowercases, numbers, and symbols. This is usually difficult for the cracking robots to hack. Dont use your birthdays, special dates/events, etc. 2. After changing ...


It is the great worship leader, Matt Redman, who declared in his song, Mercy , that “ may I never lose the wonder, Oh, the wonder of your mercy… ” The desire here is to remain at the point in your life where you never lose sight of the miracle of the 60th second of the clock that gives birth to today, from yesterday; or from this moment to the next. It is fundamental that you realize that there is no difference between the ticks of the clock that makes the time 10am from the one that moves for 11.59pm to 12am- midnight. In fact, there isn’t any difference between last night to morning, today and the 31 st December night into the New Year. Longkat Ephraim simply threw this fact at me many years ago but I recently came to this zenith of understanding and the significance thereof. Nigerians, with our love for celebrations and occasion will celebrate everything! From birthdays to death-days, school graduations to promotions, a new house to new jobs, everything you can think abo...


The question of pain, suffering, sickness, death and even disappointment has been a piece of argument against the God of Love. It has become like the hit argument for almost every agnostic and even the average believer who faces hardship. Agnosticism, atheism, and doubt in The One upon whom all life anchor does not solve the problem or deal with the issues of pain and suffering in The world. They provide no relief or solution. They are only a distraction from the ideal. It's Kim Walker-Smith who, in her song "Love Has A Name, boldly declared that: "There's a space in every beating heart There's a longing that reaches past the stars There's an answer to every question mark There's a name". She went on to chant, in the same song, that "I can laugh in any storm, cause I got You Jesus..." and also added that "I know You're with me in every season, in every storm I know...". (1) Then I ask: are storms fun places? Do l...