The resistance and possible aggression you get when you raise certain issues or faults of social media/networks amazes me. The arguments which usually leads to verbal attacks from young people is actually something to pay attention to.
The whole ball revolves around the fact that we speak of the social networks as though they do not have any good that they have brought to the table from inception. But is this the point we are making when we caution the heart of the young as regards this issue? No!

Permit me to state a bit of my particulars, not to claim the position of an authority in these matters, i.e. of social media and Christian youths, but to propose that I have a valid say from my experience interacting with the young people online. I have been an active internet user for 16 years now; and have explored the nooks and crannies of the internet, including ‘uncharted territories’, places to ‘sacred’ for young saints; I have suffered the hits of being such an internet user, I have seen things and explore both the strange and the common; but what are the gains after all?

The point is when critical issues surrounding the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ nature of the social media, the average internet user must give a listening ear. This is not to say the right of the user is being stripped of him/her so they do not have an independent opinion, rather, some issues ought to be view from multiple directions.

The question of where the social media is entirely good or entirely bad has been a subject of contention and the opinions are varied depending on who you are receiving them from. The older generation already have the pre-set opinion that the internet is mostly if not all bad; whereas the young active internet user tells you all the good it is all about on the other side is a group of IDC- ‘I don’t care’ people do not know where to place the social networks, either as good or bad. In that category exist some who do not even wanna know if the social media poses real threat to humanity, the Christian faith or its all good thus great to use.
[What is your opinion if I may ask? Can you send me an email, text or place a call to share this? (Find contact details below). I will be glad to respond to your thoughts and arguments subsequently.]
But for the sake of this discussion we shall consider the simple yet subtle & profound truth that is: the Internet/Social Media/Social Networks have given us alot yet has taken the thing that matters most to us- interpersonal relationships. It has given us a lot yet taken our ability to concentrate and give attention to those things that currently matter such as giving quality time to bible study and prayer and our ability to pay attention to those currently seeking our time. Effective social interaction underlies progress, proper growth and development in the life of an individual, but the advent of the social media and networks has shattered that part our development.

The nature of the smart phones as I have pointed out in subsequent articles is designed to be engaging, interactive and somewhat integrate with the mind of its user. Besides drugs and substances, the Internet and social media is at the top of the addiction list. It has become the new social drug. This is in my opinion, the main reason why these tools have brought so much information to our finger tips, yet taken a lot from us.
The rate at which smart phones dissociates one from the awareness of his/her current environment is disturbing. It connects you with those on line- even all over the world, yet it dissociates you from proper interaction with those who are presently with you, who need your time and attention. We are so conscious of our phone that we have lost consciousness of those around us. People have experienced episodes of panic attacks because they are unable to locate their phone for some minutes, yet do not feel such heat when a friend is in utter need or when they lost something else. Others have slipped into depression from social media usage.
Nicholas Carr, in his article “How the Internet is making Us Stupid”, articulately points out that “the constant distractedness that the net encourages—the state of being, to borrow a phrase from TS Eliot, distracted from distraction by distraction’ is very different from the kind of temporary, purposeful diversion of our mind that refreshes our thinking. The cacophony of stimuli short-circuits both conscious and unconscious thought, preventing our minds from thinking either deeply or creatively. Our brains turn into simple signal-processing units, shepherding information into consciousness and then back out again.”

Truth be told, the Internet and social media is in reality a distraction from distraction by distraction. It is in itself the distraction. The assumption has always been that we socially connect on line as a ways of getting distracted form serious work so as to refresh our minds, but we now have a bigger distraction that has come to stay. These social networks have been a major source of distractions from school, work and faith-building endeavours. We have seen our young men depending more and more upon these tools to function allowing minds and behaviours to be shaped and remodelled over repeated us in time and consequently over generations.
Therefore how good is the social media? And how bad has it turned out to be? Is it the individual or the tools themselves that are the source of the problem?
It’s all about discipline pointed out my Advanced Psychopathology Assoc. Professor, Dr. Z.K. Dagona, as he emphasised that every sane and serious minded person must not allow these gadgets get the most part of their minds and social interaction. He shared how he prioritises physical and social interaction- with clients, patients, students and family over phone/Internet usage. This is very fundamental for proper and effective communication in every facet of life.

One could argue long for social media good, I am such an advocate, but the contention is that we have done just nothing about dealing with the threats that we are posed with in the society. Thus, the church has a role to educate its body of this ills and raise disciples that will be disciplined and use these tools for the furtherance of the cause of Christ here on earth until we be called to the life beyond.

His Grace & Peace be with your hearts.


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