I have received a lot of feedback from readers fairly across the six (6) geo-political 

zones we have in Nigeria and I must say it is encouraging to still find that a lot of 

people are reading & are concerned about how the social media affects our life and 

the Church of God, even in today’s cyber-active society. A lot more needs to be 

done. But that’s not the point, here it is: the common concern that has risen by 

means of fair statistics from the received responses, is the perception that it seems 

we are against the social media/networks and have ignored its appreciable 

contributions. But how can we preach against a thing and employ its use? 

It is of utmost importance to highlight that this is not the case here and has never 

been. Thus, I do not advocate abandoning of the social media and other media 

platforms as if they hold no importance or advantage; rather the proper & diligent 

use of them. “They remain tools, not the rule.” The aim is to awaken the heart of 

the Younger generation of the Church to the war being wage upon us through the 

instrument of media, the general and social media. 

As a result of this concern, I have laid low on my personal view a bit to share the 

heartbeat of a fellow brother, Dave Willis, who has well expressed principles he [an 

I too] is convinced to guide the Christian who chooses to carry his faith online. I 

really find Dave’s contribution valid especially within our circle today. 

Dave Willis passionately pointed out that Social media has changed our world.  

Last week I watched on CNN a statistic that shows that there are currently more 

than 1.3 billion active users on Facebook alone with other networks such as 

Pinterest, Instagram, WhatsApp, SnapChat and Twitter representing 

hundreds of millions more. For the first time in history, we have tools to reach the 

world that are literally at our fingertips.

Willis rightfully noted that we live in an exciting time, but it can also be a confusing 

time. Technology is reshaping life and ministry, and it all seems to be moving 

forward at a crazy pace. It can be difficult to know how to leverage these tools for 

the Kingdom. The Great Commission compels us to engage our world and make 

disciples, but with all the noise and potentially harmful things online, it’s hard to 

know where to begin.

As a Christian, I believe it begins with the simple question, “How would Jesus use 

Social Media?”  And if we all can honestly answer this, we must have helped the 

situation we are faced with. But truth be told, we have not. 

According to Dave, by starting with that question, apply the following seven 

principles to your own context. Whether you’re representing the social media for a 

church or ministry or you’re one of the billions of people who use these tools to just 

to stay connected with friends and family, I believe these basic truths can help you 

maximize your influence online:

1. Don’t use social media just to inform people; use it to impact people.

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, 

and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” 

Philippians 4:8

Whether you’re an individual posting updates about your family or a church* 

posting information about your ministries, remember that people aren’t just 

looking for information; they’re looking for inspiration! Instead of just sharing facts, 

figures and service times, share Scriptures, links to inspirational stories, beautiful 

pictures, updates on answered prayers and anything else that will honor God and 

inspire people. As an 

example, Here’s a video my church shared on Mother’s Day when we gave a single 

mom her dream house.

2. Remember that social media is an aspect of meaningful community, not a 

replacement for meaningful community.

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage 

one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” Hebrews 


Social media is a wonderful tool for connecting with people, but if all your 

interactions are happening online, then you’re missing out. Meaningful community 

can be enhanced online, but it can’t exist entirely online. Be face-to-face with 

people whenever possible. You can’t give someone a hug on facebook.

3. Show respect even to those who don’t deserve it; not as a reflection of their 

character, but as a reflection of yours.

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.“  Romans 


A lot of people will use their social media platform to create “drama” and public 

forums for arguments. Fight the temptation to be pulled into the negativity. Rise 

above it by refusing to engage in online shouting matches or by publicly criticizing 

others (even if they may deserve it). People will come to respect you more and the 


of your life and ministry will be stronger if you display dignity and restraint with 

what you post online.

4. Don’t be discouraged by critics. Criticism is the price of influence.

“Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors 

treated the false prophets.” Luke 6:26

Anytime you share anything online, there’s a good chance someone will 

misunderstand your intentions or completely disagree with your perspective. I have 

had some of those moments. If your words and actions are consistent with your 

faith in Christ, then you should have peace whether you’re receiving praise or 

criticism from people. Pleasing God is always more important than being popular 

with the crowd.

If you’re consistently sharing content online, criticism will probably come, but 

don’t be discouraged by it! It means people are paying attention. If nobody’s 

criticizing, it’s probably because nobody’s paying attention. Remember that 

criticism is just the price of influence. And for your part, choose to be an 

encourager; the world has plenty of critics already.

5. Don’t be online all the time. Find balance and protect boundaries.

“…have the wisdom to show restraint.” Proverbs 23:4

I have a confession…I’m a social media junkee. If I have thirty seconds to kill 

sitting in traffic at a red light, I’m tempted to pull out my phone and post 

something on Twitter. I have to fight the urge to share every thought that comes 

into my head with all my Facebook friends. I “Cyber Stalk” my friends and even 

some people I’ve never met in person by watching their newsfeeds. In fact, I’m 

tempted to take breaks after writing each sentence of this article just to see if my 

latest Facebook status has any new comments or likes! 

I’ve had to work to put boundaries in place, and I’ve often failed to have healthy 

balance in this area. I try to observe a “Sabbath” from Social Media one day per 

week and I also like to have all electronics shut off during family time. It’s a struggle 

to find balance, but it’s so important. I don’t want my kids’ memories of me to be 

my constantly glued to a screen. I want to use these tools effectively, but I don’t 

want to let them lock me in a “digital prison.”

6. Don’t be an “Undercover Christian” online.

“Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your 

heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16

I’m quick to rave about a good restaurant or a new movie, because if something 

good, I want to share it! For some reason, I can find myself being quick to share 

good news about sports or entertainment on Social Media, and yet I’ll be reluctant 

to share the best news the world has ever heard, because I’m afraid of offending 


I’m convinced that we can’t live Christ-centered, Spirit-led lives if we’re afraid to 

share our faith online (or in person, for that matter). Don’t be afraid to share your 

faith on Social Media. You don’t have to beat people over the head with your Bible 

or cast judgment on all your friends’ sins. Simply look for opportunities to share the 

Good News of Jesus and be willing to engage in conversations (either online or in 

person) about your faith.

7. Remember the goal isn’t to gain more followers for yourself; it’s to gain more 

followers for Jesus.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to 

everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this 

with gentleness and respect” 1 Peter 3:15

It’s okay to have healthy ambition, but the destructive sin of pride can tempt us to 

worship the idols of fame and popularity instead of leveraging our influence to 

point people to Christ. The world has only one Savior and I’m not Him (and 

neither are you)! Use your influence to point people to Jesus.

In the end, it’s not going to matter how many friends or followers we had. All that 

will matter is that we were faithful friends and followers of Jesus. Use social media 

(and every other resource at your disposal) to grow in your relationship with God 

and to encourage others to do the same.

Keep Faith!


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