My 2022 Father's Day message to you is the story of a man rarely told - a great man that walked this earth and left an indelible mark. It is the multigenerational legacy of Jonathan Edawards. This piece was first published on July 1, 2017, by Larry Ballard. Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards was a Puritan Preacher in the 1700s. He was one of the most respected preachers of his day. He attended Yale at the age of thirteen and later went on to become the president of Princeton college. He married his wife Sara in 1727 and they were blessed with eleven children. Every night when Mr. Edwards was home, he would spend an hour conversing with his family and then praying a blessing over each child. Jonathan and his wife Sarah passed on a great, godly legacy to their eleven children. An American educator, A.E. Winship decided to trace the descendants of Jonathan Edwards almost 150 years after his death. His findings are remarkable, especially when compared to another man...