As I Journeyed: Note 2

Like the men and women of promise who despite having not seen, held on to promise and persisted through faith as they waited for the unfolding & fulfilling of The Promise. So I, waited through thick clouds, whirlwinds and waves...peering daily into His promise. A pivotal lesson I have learned in the past two years is to find His voice amidst tough seasons, confusion and doubt. Our sister, Kari Jobe, heartily expressed that: "God is so kind as to show us where He is in the midst of trials and tough seasons. Lean in to listen for His voice. I know that His heart and desire is to meet with you right where you're at". Right here I can testify that He- God, is always with us. Yes, "that scaffold sways the future." And if you look keenly, you'll find that "behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadows, keeping watch above his own." He keeps watching over us whether in the muddiest mud or highest Mountain. Do you believe it? Like a beauti...