"The worse fear is not death, but the discovery that we have never really lived when the time comes for us to die". Paul T. Wong, PhD. Death is the reality of every passing day. Every passing moment I live, I actually die. Every day given is actually one taken. The sooner I realize and accept this truth, the better for me; for the reality that one day, I shall depart this World is one which I have often avoided. Over the past few weeks, especially as I approached my birthday which I celebrated January 4th, the reality of death dawned on me with a whole new light. Death now seemed different. I was now pondering the matter...the always dreaded DEATH. Death is more real than this life I thought, because it is as it unfolds that life is unraveled. It was through death even, that we had our lives back. In the past few days, I followed the activity of some of my friends, on Facebook, who shared the losses of either their friends or family members. I focused on two thin...