One's PURPOSE is the reason for his/her existence; the original specific assignment attached by the Creator to one's life, which becomes his/her contribution path in life. This [purpose] in turn leads one to his/her end which becomes their DESTINY. Destiny is therefore one's designed ultimate end in life. As in where the sum total of their purposeful living will take them, in this life & beyond. Or, what their purpose is meant to achieve in life. ANOINTING is God's oil, Presence or seal upon a man for living his life assignment [purpose] in other to fulfil their destiny. It’s God's endorsement of a man that causes him to function supernaturally where God plants them. AMBITION , in turn is what a man pursues; that which is usually of his own will and that which he seeks to achieve FOR HIMSELF. It’s possible to make God your ambition, therefore using it to pursue purpose…into destiny. On the pages of Scriptures with find purpose & destiny brought...