The contention that God has with the young people in this age as regards Social Media use is the matter of addiction and nomophobia and how it interferes with our worship of God and other personal devotional activities that draw us closer to the Cross. To begin with, I grew up knowing that early morning devotion as the first on our to-do list for the morning, and even last thing before bed. Today, the “busy nature of the World” has changed the matter for most people; it’s now our plans and schedules first before any other and so at night. To add to the struggle, the internet/media age imposes that our smart phones and devices becomes the first thing we interact with early in the morning in order to check our mails, how many likes we’ve got on facebook, messages, etc. and the last thing we use at night. This goes on and on in cycles that form the pattern for our daily lives and interaction. The root of the matter before us is not even a question of whether we bring our devices to...