
Showing posts from March, 2016

He is Risen!!!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. MATTHEW 28:6 NIV Today is the day! It’s finally here, Easter  Sunday , the day that followers of Christ all over the world celebrate His resurrection. The Son of God who walked among us as a Son of Man was dead, but now He is alive again! The Bible says that Jesus made us holy by sacrificing Himself: one sacrifice for all time (Hebrews 10:5–14).


Superiority. Relevance. Identity, Image. Public Perception. All these govern the interactive process on the cyberspaces, especially the Social Media space. The more you interact, the more you want to dominate. The more you engage, the more you want to be termed relevant. The more you are recognized the more you want to be identified with. The more you are identified with, the more it writes on you and therefore desire a more polished self image. And of cause, the more we might want to keep up with Appearances. In this spirit, the social media platforms becomes our daily diary. As I thought about what I had observed over the years, I told myself, Facebook is not a diary. It shouldn't be. Again I recalled, social media is only a tool and should not form the rules. The social media has become for us today the very battle ground for putting forth our ideologies to our friends and followers. We struggle to share what we believe, in fact that is not really a problem, but we begi...

In Christ Alone: The story behind the Song

Stuart Townend Stuart Townend spoke to WeAreWorship about the birth of the most enduring hymn of its generation. The song got written in an unexpected way. Keith Getty and I were at a conference together and a mutual friend said we should get together. He’d said how great Keith was at writing melodies and he probably said some nice things about how I write lyrics, and so we met for a coffee. Nothing partic-ularly eventful happened but Keith said he’d send me a CD with some of his song ideas. When it arrived I wasn’t expecting anything much from it. But as soon as I heard the first song – which was just him on the piano, playing the melody in the right hand – I thought there was something about it, something quite profound. It was a classic melody, with that eternal, enduring aspect. I was getting to like it more and more and wondering what the song could be about. I phoned Keith and subsequently thought ‘this is a song about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and what tha...


Over the years, the social media and the cyberspace has evolved to become user-friendly, personalized and easily accessible across different platforms. The internet and the social media has become so personalized that it becomes part of one’s life and become fun especially for young people. This singular adaptive feature of the social media and the internet gives it acceptance and usage across large age groups; and makes it look & feel safe an environment. But the big question remains: is it that safe? The major concern for us in answering this question today is to ascertain the nature of the internet and what we send into it. Try to picture a standard sized swimming pool filled with water. Again, picture yourself throwing coins into the pools at different time intervals. Let it even take years so to say, the coins will still remain there and whenever they are needed, any good swimmer can dive in and find all the coins, with none missing. Draining the water even will not...